Friday, December 31, 2010

Old Me/New Me Reading 2011

I found this spread by Diane Wilkes and decided to give it a try this year. Here is the link for the spread:


Now, this is what I got:
Card 1: What negative quality do I wish to transform in the coming year? Six of Wands
Card 2: What positive quality do I wish to nurture in the coming year? Ten of Wands
Card 3: What new energy do I wish to inculcate in the coming year? Queen of Wands
Card 4: What story do I need to tell this year? Two of Swords.
Card 5: What aspiration would I be wise to conceive? Five of Swords.

General Considerations: No Major Arcana cards which means I am acquiring or assimilating Minor Arcana experiences this year to prepare me for future transformations. There are no Cups of Pentacles. Does this mean that there is an imbalance or lacking? I understand that given the questions of the spread, these two suits may not have any relevance. The abundance of Wands and Swords may indicate that my perspective is from the energy of these two suits. This makes me conclude that the approach I am taking to these questions are spiritual in nature (wands) and that I want the truth behind this topic.

Now for the individual cards.
Card 1: The negative quality I want to transform is lack of confidence/ low self esteem. Or is it a false pride, feeling superior type of issue?
Card 2: This is a card that is always related with a burden that is too heavy, but this is a position for a positive quality. I understand that the positive quality is related to accepting the responsibility and have the perseverance and the determination to carry on the task, no matter how heavy it may be.
Card 3: The energy is definitely feminine. Using the intuitive part of myself. This queen's energy is the one of a woman who has confidence and knows where she is going and what to do to get there. Freedom of expression without considering the opinion of other is also indicated by this card.
Card 4: This card confuses me in this position. Is the story I need to tell this year about removing the blindold? Do I need to integrate the unconscios with the conscious in order to take wise decisions? Um!
Card 5: Another puzzle! Would it be that my aspiration for this year is to win the battle no matter what? Should I put myself first in any endeavor I am going to be dealing with?